P. Poitras-Jarrett Original Art Please Contact For Exibition Enquiries - metisspiritart@gmail.com

Spirit of Nature Animal Prints

Metis Spirit of Nature Prints

My animal art prints make a perfect gift for friends, family and organizations.  They are highly collected across Turtle Island. They celebrate my love of nature and our grandmother's beautiful Métis beadwork. Each animal represents a basic human value or quality and they are embellished with a unique floral Métis beadwork. The descriptions and value names are derived from the animals natural ways of being within nature.  They are all animals that live within Canada. I also acknowledge the 7 Grandfather Teachings within my art. The prints are of my 30 paintings created during the pandemic from 2020 to 2022.

You can view the paintings here. Many are presently on an exhibition tour across Saskatchewan.


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